Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Well, I have my first official Marathon Training Injury. His name is Bob the Blister, not to be confused with Bob the Builder. Bob first arrived yesterday on my 3+ (I drove it today and it was 3.3 miles, ThankYouVeryMuch - that .3 makes a difference!) mile jog. I was whining about running and Matt tough loved me and told me to slap on a band-aid and get moving. (he's so mean) So I ran. I ran so far away (not really, 1.7 miles), and man, did it hurt so good. But I did it and tomorrow is a rest day. Although my "rest" will consist of 6 hours in the car heading up to Delaware for the weekend.

The weather tonight was good - cool with a quick rain shower. I ran my 1.7 miles in 23:42. I am reminding myself that I will get faster and not to compare myself to others or even to how I ran a few years ago.

Meet Bob.

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